So you’re going on holidays, what do you do?
You book something online or through a travel agent
Then you plan a budget to pay it off bit by bit
Or if you paid it all off upfront (posh bastard)
you might put money aside each week/month
for spending money
You have a goal of how much you need to have
a good time
Think about your results the same way
You need a goal to go towards, otherwise you’re
just stumbling down the road like a drunk mess
at 3am
Many a good stumble has been had at 3am,
but that’s a different story
How do you set a goal?
You need to decide what you want
You should have this written down from Step 1
Lose weight?
Drop body fat?
Get stronger?
Do an adventure race?
Get to a certain jeans size?
Once you have this goal you need to set a time
Lets say you’re a size 16 and you want to get to
a size 10
A realistic time frame would be 12 weeks
That works out to dropping a jean size every 4
weeks, and this is VERY achievable
I won’t bull shit you that will take dedication
Here’s a quick way to track your progress
IMPORTANT: These are general guidelines, how
big or small you are will affect these guidelines
Body Fat Goal
Excellent = dropping 2-3% or more every 6 weeks
Average = dropping 1-2% every 6 weeks
Slow = dropping less than .5% every 6 weeks
Weight Loss Goal
Excellent = dropping 1.5-2 lbs a week
Average = dropping 1lb a week
Slow = dropping less than 1lb a week
If you can’t keep yourself in the average rate of
losing weight/body fat then your goal doesn’t
mean shit to you
Do some fuckin digging & find something that
will motivate you
You have to find something that hurts
You’re frustration at getting nowhere
How much you hate the mirror
The fact that you have no confidence in yourself
You want your partner to take notice again
You just want to be comfortable in your own body
DIG DEEP!!!!!!!
These are just some examples and your goal
may look nothing like this, but the layout
should be similar
The point is YOU NEED A GOAL
So sit down before the day is over and have a
think about what you want your goal to be.
Make sure it means something to you
If it’s something you don’t really give a shit
about then you won’t work hard to get it.
WRITE IT DOWN and put it somewhere you’ll
see it every single day
My goal is saved as the background on my
phone, this way I see it every day and a good
few times a day
Once you have a goal you need a plan….
That’s next