Scroll to the bottom.
I’ve moved to a different email Provider, so
hopefully this still looks normal
You see the company I was with wasn’t giving
me what I needed
^^^^^needy bastard I know
I mailed them and had a great back and forth
about the future of their product & what I
Sadly they couldn’t make it work, kinda like PS I
Love You…..yeah like that movie stop judging
Anyways so I’ve moved on & now for the
reason why I’m telling you this
I have been thinking about moving for AT
LEAST 2 months
All the time I think I knew it was the right
decision, but I was scared of change
Sound familiar?
I’ve lost count of the amount of women who
have said some of these things to me….
I won’t be able
I can’t give up (insert food)
I have that injury from 10 years ago I can’t do
any exercise
What if I fail?
So what if you fail? Is what you’re doing now
really making you happy?
Any excuse to not take that first step, well
guess what……
It’s never as bad as you think & you will be able
as long as you have a good coach
That fear is normal, but if you want to change
If you want to get your confidence back
Lose the bingo wings & muffin top
Ditch the stress and sky rocket your energy
Then you need to take that first step
That step is here vvvvvvv