6 Myths That Won’t Go Away

myth-300x192Back in my Finish Strong Fitness days I had a little youtube series called Myth Crusher (such a bad ass name).

Basically I’d shoot 1 video a week crushing a common myth that just wouldn’t go away.

Well this blog series for however many parts it runs for will be that video series on paper. And more than one myth at a time.

1. The Healthiest Diet Is…………diet-300x106

There is no one size fits all.

Daily activity levels, training frequency, current position, goals etc….all play a part in what will suit you best.

A very active person focused on performance needs a lot more carbs than someone who goes walking 3 times a week

and just wants to lose a few pounds.

Having said that an approach that focuses on food quality will always win out.

2. It’s Best To Eat ______ Meals a Daymeals-per-day-300x217

There is no research to prove that a certain amount of meals per day is best.

The best approach is one that fits your schedule. As long as you get the right amount of food in at the end of the day

then it’s all good.

How can you expect some who is a stay at home Mom AND someone who works 12 hours a day then goes home and

puts the kids to bed to have the same eating schedule?!?!?

The trick is that leaving big long gaps where you get very hungry is going to make it hard to make good decisions.

So eating regularly and making sure you never reach that starving point works best.

3. I Need More More Moremore-257x300

Don’t get fooled into thinking all you need is more exercise. For most women to get where they want, 3-5 hours a

week is enough.

3 of those hours could be tough workout sessions, the other 2 could be walking or lighter workouts.

And starting off even just those 3 workouts is enough or even just 5 hours of walking depending on where you’re at

fitness wise.
You CANNOT out train bad nutrition, so stop bull shitting yourself.

4. Eggs Are Bad, Especially The Yoke


Eggs are high in cholesterol………that’s been the word for many years.

The truth is studies have shown that cholesterol in the diet has very little effect on cholesterol in the blood, assuming you’re an otherwise healthy person.

So even though eggs are high in cholesterol, they don’t raise blood cholesterol or increase disease risk for most people.

Eat the full egg.

5. Coffee Is Bad For You


Shut your devil mouth, coffee is a gifts from the gods.

Never ever restrict it and have at least 10 cups a day.

Haha 1-2 cups a day has been shown to be very good for you. The trick is not to get reliant on it.

You should be able to go without it. I recently did a week with no coffee as it had become an addiciton.

If you’re a coffee drinker I’d advise you to either not have it everyday OR do a week without it every 4-5 weeks.

Straight up americano’s for the win. The photo is an iced americano.

6. Lifting Weights Makes Women Bulky


This old chesnut just won’t go away. Bulking up is actually very feckin hard.

If it was easy all lads would be massive. The fact is women don’t have the testosterone to bulk up.

And any women who you see who are incredibly bulky are more than likely taking steroids.

Weights are your friend, strength is the goal.

 That’s all folks, more coming soon.

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