The Truth About Breakfast

This blog is gonna be STRAIGHT UP info you can use now


How many times have you heard people say one of the following


“Breakfast like a king”

“It’s the most important meal of the day”

“Force yourself to eat it will get better”


Or a ton of other things, well lets set the record straight today……This is all bull shit 😲


It’s not the most important meal. There are many days when I & some of our Super Moms completely skip breakfast and we get great results.


⬆⬆⬆and tons of research to support that approach


The most important thing is how much food/drink (calories) you consume in total throughout the day. You can eat breakfast or skip it, have 1 meal or

7 meals or 10 meals… need to do whatever keeps you on track and suits your schedule.


Matty isn’t this the same as this Intermittent Fasting thing I’ve heard so much about? IN short….No. Intermittent fasting is where you eat all of your

food for the day within a certain window of time & fast for the rest of the time. So some examples could be a 16 hour fast and 8 hour eating window or

a 20 hour fast with a 4 hour eating window….but that’s not what we’re doing.


What we’re doing is finding an approach that works for each person. Force feeding food into yourself just because someone told you you have to eat

breakfast is ridiculous and unnecessary.



Well there’s a few…


You have to make up that food during the rest of the day

You can’t just lose out on that amount of food. Eating less is great for fat loss, but there is a point where it is a negative & less is NOT always better


If you train during the morning, say 10 o’clock ish time, then you’ll probably need food

Even if it’s only something small, otherwise your training session will likely be shit. You won’t have nearly as much energy & the session won’t be as

productive. Assuming it’s intense, if it’s just a walk or light session you’ll be fine


You need to be able to function as normal

If you’re going to work and not able to concentrate, getting headaches or just have no energy then that’s a problem. Granted there will be an

adjustment period the first few days, but you don’t have to skip it every day. This post is also mainly aimed at people who just don’t like eating during

the morning.


And lastly….


Find what works for you

This is the most important point….There is no one size fits all, so if you find you need breakfast or you turn into a zombie then have breakfast. If you

can’t stomach food then skip it…..trial & error is the winner here


This also assumes that your breakfast choices are good and not shit like cereal


Some Super Mom favourites are….


-skipping breakfast

-meat & nuts

-eggs, bacon, omelettes & a million different egg combinations

-smoothies with either 0% fat yogurt OR a scoop of protein

-overnight oats

-yogurt bowl

-porridge w/dark chocolate & berries


That’s it, I’d love to know if you like breakfast or skip it?

About the Author

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