#1 Key To Success Part 1



I bet some of you clicked this thinking I would

tell you to eat/drink a certain thing


Or maybe you were looking for a magic exercise

that would be the key


That right there is why you need this post


Want to know what the #1 Factor is in your



In whether you’ll lose fat, lose weight, gain

weight, build muscle, get fitter or get to

whatever your goal is?




If you just rolled your eyes or thought

“I don’t need  this”……then you need it the most


If your mindset isn’t right then there will

always be binges you can’t control


There’ll always be guilt when you have so called

“unhealthy” foods or drinks


There will always be good results by torturing

yourself through trying to be perfect and

then a rebound where you lose it all


This is what we’re gonna fix today


I’m gonna give you 4 steps to fix your

mindset for good






Accept this fact


This is without a doubt in my mind the MOST

important step in getting your dream body and

most importantly fixing your health.


A lot of people skip it and dismiss it


“Why would I need to do that?”


Because if you don’t you will always find a way

to bull shit yourself & create excuses


^^^^^and you know how we feel about bull

shit around here


Yup……that’s it.


Stick with me because this can make or break

not just getting results, but more

importantly….KEEPING THEM


There is no valid excuse you are going to

give me for where you are now


^^^^^aside from something serious like a

disease…..and even then people have done

amazing things in those cases


Like Arron vvvvvv




Go ahead and try….

“I didn’t have time”

“I was busy with the kids”

“Work was stressful”

“I was too tired to do it”

“I had an injury”


………I could do this all day


All bull shit…..why?


Because the answer to all of them is

exactly the same…


You didn’t prioritise your Health.


Over the kids, work…..EVERYTHING


Sound extreme? Well it’s really not


You need to put yourself first…..and no I don’t

mean neglect those other things, I mean

making time for you


Think about it, how much better is a healthier

version of you for everyone & everything in

that scenario?


Family — you’re happier, more energized, can

play with the kids for longer, less stressed, not

snapping at people all the time


Work — your concentration levels are up,

productivity is up because you’ve more energy,

maybe some work colleagues get motivated by

you and now you’ve changed someone else’s

life too


So sit down with a pen & paper and do this:


  • Think about where you are now, health, fitness,

weight, happiness, confidence & write it down


  • Now write down what will happen if something

doesn’t change. More health trouble, unhappiness,

lack of confidence, stress, kids start to follow your

lead and they get unhealthy?


  • Take time to look at that page a few times and

let that pain sink in, yes I know it hurts it’s

supposed to. Use it as motivation


  • Now turn the page over and write down where

you would like to be in a years time. Is it a

certain jeans size? Is it less stressed? More

energy? Happier? Fitter? Stronger? Write down

as much detail as humanly possible about what

would make you happy


Last part of Step 1 is to share it with someone


Yup I mean it. Family, friend, spouse, A Coach

(please send it to me if you need someone). It makes you

accountable which will improve your success


Step 2 in the next post 🙂

About the Author

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