Today a story about one of the original
members of Super Mom Training
Here’s Sharon aka 50’s story
Where were you before you joined the
I was a good 10lbs overweight, that’s a lot for a
5ft little woman like me. Grouchy with the kids,
didn’t want to go out with the hubby, sat with
a cushion over my tummy most of the time.
Felt rotten, had tried WW, lost the weight and
then put it all back on. Would eat nothing for a
few days, go back to ww weigh in and start all
over again. Constant struggle. Biggest fear???
That I would spend my life obsessed with not
losing weight, constantly thinking about it and
not enjoying food or life
What was it actually like when you joined?
It was great, took me a while to get into the
workouts, I tried to get through them quickly
instead of slowing down and doing the
exercises properly. Support was great, always
an answer to a question, always a like for a
comment or a pic, and never anyone telling me
I was doing it wrong – all positive all good
What have you achieved?
I lost a full stone, since then I’ve put on 4 lbs
but I know I could lose 2 of those in a week and
the other 2 are probably not worth worrying
about. My body has changed, I look strong and
fit. My mindset has completely changed, I
accept when I fall but I don’t stay down. My
mood is better, I’m happier, more confident,
and generally nicer to me! I don’t feel guilty
about food anymore, I make good choices and
90% of the time I crave good food not crap.
Big thanks to 50 for sharing her experience,
she’s a huge inspiration in our community
Having met her in person she has an awesome
accent too 😛
Everybody has to start somewhere vvvvv